Sustainable Construction Services follows a strict quality assistance and control protocols that oversee the whole supply and process chain, starting from the manufacturing through to installation. Apart from that, SCS strive to provide high quality aftermarket services to allow repair and maintenance done in smooth manner. Also, the quality of our customer service is of a paramount importance.
SCS follows very strict requirements of our German suppliers and generally these suppliers demand stricter requirements than those of the local manufacturers. SCS monitors supplier certification by only supplying and installing products that are “Made in Germany” from the manufacturers that hold appropriate quality certifications in accordance with German Standards (DIN), European Standards (EN), and International Standards (ISO).
SCS is committed to adhere to a minimum 3-step process to assess quality and workmanships:
- Manufacturing: visual control, alignment verification and re-measure at the factory or during transport preparation.
- Delivery: visual control, alignment verification and re-measure when delivered to the site, prior to installation.
- Completion: visual control, alignment verification and re-measure on site to ensure the product and workmanship are of the highest standards.
Please Contact SCS for further inquiries regarding to the quality products that we carry.